Basic navigation commands
- What command will show the current directory?
- What command will list the contents of the current directory?
- What command will delete a file?
- What does execute permission do on a directory?
- show how to list the group membership of user jander81
- how can a user tell what their username is, without looking at the prompt?
- represent rw-rw-r-- in octal:
- convert 400 to symbolic permissions
- using octal mode and the chmod command, show the command which will remove non-owner ability to view contents of the following file:
-rw-r--r-- 1 jeremy unixadm 3212 Dec 14 10:33 .profile
- Now show the symbolic-mode version of chmod that will allow everyone to be able to read and write to the file used in the previous question:
the vi editor
- what are four keystrokes that will move a user from command to insert mode?
- What keystroke will move a user from insert to command mode?
- in command mode, what keystroke will delete a character?
- in command mode, what is the command to delete a word?
- what command will copy the current line into the buffer?
- what keystroke will paste the contents of the buffer to the line AFTER the cursor?
- what keystroke will paste the contents of the buffer to the line BEFORE the cursor?
- starting in command mode, how would a user save the current file?
- how would a user save and quit in a single command?
- how would a user quit from vi WITHOUT saving changes?
Extra Credit: (2 points) Figure out how to display the hostname of the machine you're currently logged into, wihout referring to the shell prompt: